£6.00 GBP 1 item
For the Love of Food Preservation

The Complete Guide to Home Canning

Official U.S. Department of Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 539 (Revised 2015)

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This book is a great "idiot's guide" to canning, both pressure canning, water-bath canning and some fermenting. It covers all the basics in an easy-to-follow comprehensive guide. It sticks to the basics of canning ingredients rather than full recipes with a few actual recipes, such as pie fillings. The main introduction does, explain that you should follow only their recommended methods, which are those that they have tested, contrary to popular belief it does not say that any method is unsafe but mentions that if you do not follow their methods, you are open to botulism. For a beginner, this is a brilliant book to get you started on the basics. With easy-to-follow instructions, each "recipe" has a table for timings versus jar sizes. As an American book, the jars sizes and quantities are in a U.S. format, so be prepared to convert these to more common UK measurements. The instructions are also for large quantities, some yielding as much as 7 litres per batch. Overall, a good Starter book and great value for money.


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